Thursday, March 28, 2013



 Each year human populations are increasing due to high quality of healthy style even some countries have policies on birth controls or starvation even a plunge disaster. Good result of medical research has given us a good condition of live, new vaccine created every year and new drugs has been developed to fit human condition. According to some researcher, population will continue to growth if there’s no war, no nuke disaster and an endless food supply. These main factors will be the main variables for the population to growth.


 Since food demand are increasing, scientists has doing some research on food production with maximum output every years. Including fertigation system and improved tools development. With developed agricultures sector, farmers nowadays could harvest with huge vegetation supply to nationwide or to other countries. Can food has a better nutrition fact and less food poisoning.

 Economy In capitalism theory

 supply and demand are the main factor for money to flow. Demand should always low then the supply, which is how economy should works. Less inflation, more cheap food and creating better environments. But nowadays, supplies were less and demands are higher. Situation like this has given a huge negative impact for us, people becoming more materialistic then spirituals, face the fact that money are everything to us now. Strong economy doesn’t guarantee the country will survive for ever even an ancient Rome was buried after hundreds years of ruling the Europe and the Middle East due to lack of management skills perhaps. To build something, we need a plan and spend huge time for it, but to destroy something that we had built, it only take a couple of minute. UP and Down History always repeat itself, what goes up must goes down and it is an endless cycle that we shall face. So every time we are at the top, always alert that, there will be a time that we are at the bottom. Today; Population, Food and the Economy are at the top, but there shall be at the bottom somehow.