Friday, January 17, 2014

Alleged Roswell 'alien' images uncovered

Researchers investigating the Roswell UFO crash have been made aware of two tantalizing new images.

According to reports, two slides have started to circulate depicting an alleged alien entity that was recovered from the UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. There is a rather large snag however - only a select few individuals have seen the images and nobody else has been allowed to look at them.

According to investigator Anthony Bragalia the images exist in the form of two Kodachrome slides that show the subject up-close in full color from two different angles. Researchers who have had the privilege of viewing them are said to have found them somewhat convincing with no apparent sign of photographic manipulation or tampering.

The slides were allegedly discovered in the attic of a now deceased couple, the husband had been a petroleum geologist who had conducted oil expeditions in various locations that included the Roswell area of New Mexico in the 1940s.

Unfortunately without being able to see these pictures there is absolutely no way to corroborate any of these claims and the whole thing sounds far too good to be true. The story has sparked a concerted backlash from skeptics who argue that the claims are either a hoax or a publicity stunt.

We'll be keeping an eye open for further details on this story and will be posting an update when, or if, the images are ever released for public viewing. 

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